North Side Kids

We’re on a mission to make a significant impact on this generation by helping them encounter Jesus, experience God's boundless love, and become shining lights in the world.

NS Kids - Fire Side Room

Sunday School • 9:30 a.m.
NS Kids Church • 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday Bible Study 6:00 p.m.

Get ready for a blast of fun and learning in NS Kids! If you're aged 5 to 9, this is the place to be. Join us downstairs in the exciting Fire Side Room for a fantastic time filled with games, stories, and activities that you'll absolutely love!

Start your Sunday off right with Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. It's a time where you can discover amazing stories from the Bible and grow in your faith with friends your age.

But wait, the adventure doesn't stop there! At 10:30 a.m., NS Kids Church takes center stage. This is where the real fun begins – engaging lessons, cool crafts, and awesome songs to connect you with Jesus!

Wednesdays we take a closer look into the word and learn about Jesus even deeper.

Parents, rest assured that your kids are in safe hands with our caring and dedicated team. We can't wait to see your smiling faces every Sunday morning.

Bring your friends, siblings, and all the positive energy you've got. Let's make Sundays the best day ever!

See you soon at NS Kids!